Monday, November 10, 2008

mmmm.... delicious

The next exercise for the 23 things involves exploring tagging and the delicious website.

It's hard to use the internet and be oblivious to tagging. So many websites use it that I am hard pressed to think of a website I visit frequently which doesn't. Many popular search engines are based around a "tag" system as well.

Delicious is new to me. I had heard of it, but I don't think I ever realized quite what it was. Now that I know, I will probably use it a lot. Right now I am at work, but when I am at home later I will see if I can't start importing bookmarks from all the different browsers and computers I have used over the last few years. Some of them won't be reachable, but overall I should rake in a goodly number of internet sites. The hardest part of Delicious for me will be getting adjusted to tagging. While I have tagged and I am familiar with how it works, I've never liked it. Mostly because everyone has such different descriptive words and ideas about what a video or webpost or website is pertaining to. I've never liked the pressure of picking a few words to encapsulate something much bigger. Delicious will be a nice adjustment into getting me used to tagging on a more regular basis because my sites will be organized around my words and not someone elses.

I think this is a great tool. It functions in so many ways- and in both work and personal settings. It would be very cool to have a go to site when it comes to youth services or reference for all of the branches of CML. I love that since your websites are stored online instead of on a browser they are much more broadly accessible.

It really is Delicious. Yummy, even.

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