Wednesday, November 19, 2008

post learn & play... library crafting!

i thought since i finished learn and play i would continue to post in here about library & book related things. so this is post number one in that vein.

at reynoldsburg we discard our old magazines in bulk after a certain period of time. these are placed on a cart in the back room before they get thrown away. every time this happens i raid the cart for as much as i can carry of various titles.

what for, you ask? for art!

my boyfriend matt and i are both very fond of collaging. perhaps in the future i will post more about that. last night we tried something a little different. matt recently noticed the bowls and coasters that frequent artsy type (and sometimes pretentious) galleries, shops, museum art stores. we even saw them at the franklin park conservatory's shop when we visited last friday. i'd been seeing them for years- sort of dismissed them as cool but overpriced. i'd made beads from magazines in a similar fashion when i was younger. matt however, really took to these colorful little dishes. so i told him we'd make some! and make some we did- using cml's own discards, hot glue guns, scotch tape, some patience, and a couple online Office episodes. ( i did make cookies too... i don't know if that contributed to the process. )

this is a slideshow of the results of our first magazine dish venture. you can totally tell which one of us is a overly cautious and self critical perfectionist and which one of us was competing for completion.

i hope this is of interest to some of you- it isn't that hard, but it does require some time and patience. we're going to do night # 2 soon- we had fun!

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